Sunday, January 22, 2012

Buon Anno Cinese!

GONG XI FA CAI and 新年快乐!

Its the year of the Dragon, the luckiest zodiac of the 12 years! I have a feeling that there's gonna be a lot of marriages and babies on the way.

Speaking about babies, my host family's cousin recently gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He's so gorgeous, I fell in love with him straight away. The baby's name is Raffaele, the same name as my host brother. Isn't that cool? I'm so happy for them :)

Oh yeah, on such a special occasion, naturally, I must dedicate a nail art for the year of the dragon and here it is!

Tada!! What  do you think? 

The head was a little tricky to paint on. I had to practice on a piece of paper with both hands before taking a deep breath and paint my nails. Miraculously, even my right hand turned out fine. I have steady hands :P

Lookie! Put my nails together and you get the body of the dragon :)

This year is probably the loneliest Chinese new year ever. Because I'm in Italy. Its weird not listening to the 'Boom, boom boom!!' of the fireworks, or watching a lion dance, going shopping for new clothes, eating a lot, and worst, no ang pau!!! >.<

But how often do I ever get to visit Italy? Exactly.

I've been aware about this and it is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. There's always next year. Plus, I'm having a wonderful time here.

The downside is that I have pimples! Yes, that's right, smooth-as-a-baby's-butt-skin Anne has A LOT of pimples! I'm so devastated :(

Never in my life have I ever seen so many pimples at one time on my usually smooth skin! 

Where did I go wrong???

Anyway, I'm doing my best to get rid of those awful pimples by drinking lots of water (I've been using the toilet more frequently these days), staying away from dairy products (I think that's the cause of it because I've been drinking milk and eating cheese and chocolate nearly everyday), and wash my  face more often.  

I'm so desperate to get rid of it. If it gets any worst, I swear I'll insist upon seeing a doctor! I can't live looking like the surface of the moon, I just can't. I'm really close to tears just looking at the mirror these past few days.

Okay, getting out of topic here. Anyway. 

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! Wishing you happiness and prosperity to all my family, friends, and not forgetting my lovely readers. 

Lots of love from Italy <3

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